Young male stem cell donor in hospital bed

Share your experience

Your story could inspire others to join the stem cell register, why not share your experience?

Sharing your experience

You’re doing something amazing by donating your stem cells, and we would like to encourage you to share your own amazing story if you would like to.

Your story can encourage others to join the stem cell register, or support Anthony Nolan in other ways if they can’t. You can show people just how incredible it is to give someone a second chance of life. Here’s some guidance to help get you started:

The vital rules to stick to

A transplant is a really challenging time for a patient – which is why it’s so important that we protect their anonymity (and yours, as well). So, when you’re sharing your story online, please DON’T:

  • Include the time, date or location of your donation
  • Give away any information about your recipient like their age, gender, or location
  • Post any photos with the information label on your stem cell bag visible
  • Share any anonymous correspondence you send or receive

It’s extremely important that you don’t try to identify or contact your recipient directly on social media, since this could compromise their privacy and anonymity

If you have any questions, just contact the Donor Follow Up Team at or on 020 7424 6568

Ways to get the word out

  • Post a picture on Facebook or Instagram
  • Share a video on TikTok, or create a video diary of your donation
  • Tweet about your experience
  • Message your pals on Whatsapp
  • Share your experience with your colleagues on LinkedIn

By helping us spread the word, you're helping to save more lives.

Share your story with us

You can share your story with us, whether it’s a blog post, photo, video diary or short clip.

It could be featured on our official social media pages, or on our donor stories page.

Just complete a story consent form and we'll be in touch.


Holly's story

Over 20,000 people apply to join the register through social media every year, thanks to people like Holly sharing their stories