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Why are there early side effects?
Most early side effects come from the chemotherapy or radiotherapy you had in conditioning therapy before your stem cell transplant.
Some side effects may stay for longer or start developing when you‘re further into your recovery, including conditions like graft versus host disease (GvHD).
Your medical team will continue to monitor you every day and treat any side effects you’re experiencing.
Nausea and vomiting
After your transplant, it’s common to feel sick (nausea) and to be sick (vomiting). You might experience this because of:
- your conditioning treatment
- your medication
- a possible infection
- GvHD.
For most people, nausea normally only lasts a week or two. But if you struggle with nausea for longer, talk to your transplant team – they might need to change your medication.
Possible treatments
What might help

The cells were starting to take, and everything was looking good, but I was being sick morning, noon and night. I couldn’t keep anything down and I became so weak I couldn’t even stand… They mixed two different drugs, and within two days I’d stopped being sick. I had to start eating again bit by bit
Mary, who had a stem cell transplant to treat acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)
You might have diarrhoea if you’re finding that:
- you need to poo more often than usual
- your poo is looser and more runny or watery than usual.
Like nausea, there are lots of different reasons why you might experience diarrhoea. If you have it for a long time, it can affect how well you absorb vitamins and minerals from food, which can lead to weight loss. It’s important to tell your doctor or nurse if you’re having diarrhoea.
Possible treatments
What might help
Sore mouth (mucositis)
Chemotherapy can damage the cells inside your mouth, which you might hear called the ‘mucosal lining’. When this skin breaks down, painful ulcers can form inside your mouth and throat, as well as a dry or sore mouth. You might hear this called ‘mucositis’.
Ulcers may also form further down your digestive tract, which means the organs where food and drink travel through your body. This can cause discomfort and make it difficult to eat certain foods.
You might experience this within the first couple of weeks of conditioning therapy starting, but it usually clears up in a week or two.
Possible treatments
What might help
Weight loss and lack of appetite
After chemotherapy, you might find that:
- foods taste different than before
- you don’t have the same appetite for food as you did before.
If you also experience sickness and diarrhoea for a long time, it could stop you getting the nutrients and energy needed for recovery. For the same reasons, it could also lead to weight loss.
Possible treatments
What might help
In the video below, people share their insights on managing diet after a stem cell transplant.
Fatigue is when you find it hard to concentrate and have no energy, even after lots of rest and a good night’s sleep.
For some people, fatigue can be a short-term side effect that improves after a few months. For other people, fatigue might last more than a year after their transplant.
It might sound surprising, but gentle exercise can help to:
- reduce treatment-related fatigue
- improve your strength and energy levels.
You might really feel the benefit of doing something, no matter how small.
Possible treatments
What might help
In the video below, people share their experiences of fatigue after a stem cell transplant.
Risk of infections
In the few weeks after your transplant, your new immune system is still developing. This means you’re at greater risk of picking up an infection, as well as some infections being harder to fight.
Your medical team will look out for the early signs of infection, like a high temperature, so they can treat you as soon as possible.
Possible treatments
What might help
Some people develop further complications from infections, such as liver and kidney problems.
For information about long-term recovery, you can read or download our guide The Seven Steps: The Next Steps (PDF 480KB).
Your mental health
While it’s easy to focus on the physical effects of hospital treatment and recovery after a transplant, try not to ignore the effects on your mental wellbeing.
It’s easy to have negative thoughts about your situation and feel anxious about your future. Although these experiences are perfectly normal, they could turn into something more serious – especially if you can’t see close family and friends during your time in protective isolation.
You should talk to your medical team if you:
- have been feeling very low for two weeks or more
- can’t find the motivation to do anything, even important tasks
- feel unable to control your thoughts
- are feeling much more anxious than usual.