Where your money goes

Anthony Nolan saves lives and we couldn’t do it without you.

How we spend your money

Every penny is vital in helping to save more lives. Out of each £1.00:

  • 77p goes towards helping to provide lifesaving transplants. This includes recruiting donors to our register, tissue typing them and searching for matches.
  • 8p goes towards researching ways to make transplants more successful. Our expertise helps us to make breakthrough discoveries that will save more lives.
  • 8p goes towards raising money and inspiring people to support us, so we can support our vital and lifesaving work.
  • 6p goes towards education and awareness programmes to bring blood cancer to everyone's attention, including project's at school and universities
  • 1p in every £1 goes on governance

For a more detailed breakdown, visit our annual reports page

Here are some examples of how your support could help people with blood cancers, like leukaemia, and other life-threatening blood conditions.

£40 could add a new lifesaver to our register

  • This includes the cost of recruiting a donor, collecting and analysing each new donor’s sample to work out their tissue type. We then securely store the donor’s tissue type on our register so we can search for them as a match for someone with blood cancer. They stay on the register until they’re 60.

£30 could pay for an hour of a specialist post-transplant nurse’s time

  • Our nurses are in Transplant Centres across the country, and can offer invaluable support to our patients and their families after a transplant.

£15 goes a long way to helping our scientists conduct groundbreaking research

  • We research into how to make transplants as successful as possible, including how we can make the best matches between people in need of transplants and potential donors, and how to stop life-threatening complications after a transplant.

£5 could get vital information to a patient and their family

  • Life after a transplant comes with its own set of challenges. We offer a range of information booklets to help patients and families to cope post transplant.

Each new donor on our register could mean the chance of life for someone with blood cancer.

Help recruit more donors, find more matches and save more lives