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This information is a general guide and applies to all types of stem cell transplant. Please speak to your medical team about your individual risk and treatment for infections. They will know your situation best.
Key facts
- It’s normal and expected to have an infection after your stem cell transplant. This can happen at any time during recovery, not just while you’re in hospital for your transplant.
- You don’t need to have a temperature to have an infection. If your temperature is normal or unusually low but you don’t feel well, contact your transplant team to discuss your symptoms.
- It’s important that you balance keeping yourself safe from infection with doing the things you enjoy. Your mental health is as important as your physical health.
- It’s recommended that you have the flu vaccination every year after your transplant.
- You will need to have your childhood and COVID-19 vaccinations repeated once your immune system has recovered. Read more about COVID-19 and your stem cell transplant.
The nurses and doctors supporting you are very experienced in dealing with infections, so it's good to trust in their care. It's natural to feel anxious about infection after your transplant, but it's important to try to balance this with getting back to a normal life.
Rachel, Anthony Nolan Lead Nurse
How do I know if I have an infection?
It’s important to spot the signs of an infection as early as possible to stop it becoming too severe. You know your body best and you can tell when something isn’t right, so have the confidence to contact your medical team and get checked out.
You should check with your transplant team to:
- find out how to best check for infections
- know who to contact if you think you have an infection.
Some symptoms of infection include:
- a temperature of 38°C or above*
- uncontrolled shivering (also known as rigors)
- a cough or chest pain
- shortness of breath or fatigue
- redness, pain or discharge around a Hickman, Central or PICC line or Port
- being sick or stomach pain
- pain when having a wee or your wee being smelly
- diarrhoea (runny poo) or blood in your poo
- generally feeling unwell.
*Your temperate might also rise or fall suddenly. Keep a thermometer (in good working order) at home and take your temperature regularly, especially if you are feeling unwell. Some medications, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen and steroids, can mask changes in temperature, so look out for other symptoms too.
Be aware of what your body is telling you. Tune in to it and recognise when something feels different or off. And tell your clinical nurse specialist straight away to get things checked out.
Steve, who had a stem cell transplant to treat acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). You can read his story on our blog.
When might I get an infection?
It’s normal to get infections as your immune system recovers after a stem cell transplant. When you get them and how well your body copes with infections will vary throughout your recovery.
During your transplant and when you’re in the early stages of recovery, your white blood cell (the cells in your body that fight infection) counts will be low. That means the risk of infection is greater. How long this will last depends on how well your blood counts are recovering and the type of transplant you had.
Patients who have autografts (a transplant using your own stem cells) are expected to have a low white blood cell count for less time than those who have had an allograft (a transplant using stem cells from a sibling or unrelated donor). This is largely because, when having an allograft, medication is given to suppress your immune system. This leaves you more vulnerable to infections for a longer time. These medications are very important in controlling your immune system so that the new stem cells can grow. It’s a balance of allowing your new stem cells to regenerate while keeping you safe from infections.
As you recover and your immune system becomes stronger, the risk of infection gets lower. However, it’s important to remember that white blood cell counts can go up and down. This is normal, especially if you have had an allograft.
It can be disappointing and daunting if you get an infection while you recover. Sometimes this might mean you have to be admitted back into hospital for treatment. As frustrating as this is, remember it’s a normal part of recovery.
Don’t worry about reporting something that turns out to be a false alarm. Nobody will be upset with you. It’s more important that concerns are raised so that if treatment is needed, it can be given as quickly as possible.
What happens if I get an infection?
You will most likely have blood samples taken if you and your medical team think you have an infection. One of the samples taken are called ‘cultures’ which will be sent to the microbiology lab to see if a specific infection can be identified.
Other tests that might be performed are below. Some of these are routine while some will only be taken if there are specific symptoms:
- Swabs – oral, nasal, wound, Hickman, central or PICC line
- A sample of fluid taken from inside your nose, called a nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA)
- A sample of saliva (your spit), called a sputum sample
- A poo sample
- A wee sample
- Chest x-ray
Types of infection and treatment
Infections are caused by different bugs – bacterial, viral or fungal – and the treatment for each is different. Sometimes, even after taking a sample of blood or other bodily fluid, specific infections will not always be identified. This is normal. Treatment will start immediately if you have a suspected infection, even if your medical team don’t know exactly what the infection is.
The initial treatment will include antibiotics. Your medical team will decide on further treatment depending on:
- how your body responds to the antibiotics
- if anything is identified from your samples in the laboratory
- how well your immune system has recovered after your stem cell transplant.
There are three ways that treatment can be given:
Intravenously (IV)
This will be via a drip, as an infusion or all at once in a syringe (called a push) and given through your line or cannula. This type of treatment is most common in the early stages of recovery while your counts are still recovering or if you are unwell. It will usually involve you being admitted to hospital.
This will be as a tablet or liquid to be swallowed. This type of treatment is used more often once your immune system has recovered and if your infection is mild. It may also be used if you finish a course of IV antibiotics and your team discharges you home to carry on with treatment for a period of time.
Some types of lung infections require medications to be given via a nebulizer. You will need to wear a mask to receive this and, in some cases, will have to be admitted to hospital. However, it can sometimes be given in an outpatient clinic.
Specific infections to be aware of
The infections below are more common if you have had an allograft transplant. In general, treatment of these infections will need to start as soon as possible. Get in touch with your transplant team even if you are only a little bit suspicious that you may have an infection. It’s always best to discuss any concerns you have.
Neutropenic sepsis
Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and adenovirus
Respiratory infections
Central venous catheter (CVC) infections
A virus like the common cold doesn't need treatment, but for other viruses you might need to come into hospital to have a nebuliser. If you have a cough, it could be a bacterial infection and you might need antibiotics.
Rachel, Anthony Nolan Lead Nurse
How can I prevent infection?
Infections are a natural part of recovery. They cannot always be avoided. However, it's important to know how to best protect yourself. Try to find a balance between protecting yourself and living your best life.
You should be particularly vigilant when your white cell count is low, and you are on immunosuppressants.
Below is a general guide for you to follow, but you should also talk to your transplant team for more specific advice.
Hickman line care
Family and friends
Practical advice
Eating and drinking

I am not a believer in locking yourself away in your house to try and avoid infection. personally, I think your mental wellbeing is more important, as is building up your physical strength and getting back into society.
Emma, who had two stem cell transplants to treat myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). You can read her story on our blog.
Your wellbeing
It can be easy to isolate yourself away, not see your family and friends or go out for fear of getting an infection. It’s important to balance looking after yourself with doing the things you enjoy. Looking after your mental health is equally as important as your physical health. We recommend a common sense approach. Below are a few tips to help find the right balance:
- See family and friends in smaller groups which will not feel so overwhelming.
- Plan trips out at quieter times of the day to avoid large crowds.
- Ask your children’s school to let you know if there are any infections going around the school. Even if your children are not affected, you will still need to be aware.
- If being affectionate is a normal part of your relationships, then continue to do this if there is no risk of infection. Discuss any questions you might have with a member of your transplant team that you feel comfortable with. You can read our Sex and Relationships webpage for more information.
- Carry out jobs in the garden in short periods and wear gloves.
- You do not need to deep clean your house. Cleaning it as normal is enough.
Long term
As your immune system recovers, becomes stronger and gains immunity, the risks of infection decrease over time. As a result, the preventative medications will be stopped. Your appointments at the transplant centre will decrease and you will go back to seeing your GP rather than your transplant team if you develop any infections.
Although you should be able to get back to life as it was before the transplant, there are still a few things that you should be aware of:
- You might take the antibiotic Penicillin V for the rest of your life as protection against certain bacteria.
- You might always be a bit more susceptible to infections like colds and coughs and it might take you a bit longer than your family and friends to recover.
- It’s recommended that you have the flu vaccination every year for life.
- If you develop chronic graft versus host disease (cGvHD) and remain on immunosuppressants, you will always be at a higher risk of infection.