
Fundraise at work

At Anthony Nolan we’re in the business of saving lives. Wherever you work, your team can be too

From the classic office bake sale, to quizzes, raffles, Tough Mudders and sporting challenges, there are so many ways you and your colleagues can get together to help us work towards our vision of a future where every patient who needs us can survive and thrive.

No matter the size of your company, or the number of employees, we have an idea that will be a great fit for you and can provide all the support you need along the way.

We have included a range of ideas and inspiration below and would love to hear from you if you’re considering fundraising for us at work.

Ideas to get you started

  • Organise a walk – a fundraising walk can be a brilliant way to raise money and promote physical and mental wellbeing at the same time.
  • Host a charity raffle – these always go down a treat. You can plan a raffle at a special time of year, or pluck a date out of the diary. You may have clients or partners who could contribute a prize!
  • Dress down day – a firm favourite. Give colleagues a chance to let their hair down and wear Anthony Nolan colours in return for a donation.

For further tips, resources and information check out this page, and you can also download our full corporate fundraising guide below.

AN50th logo - website -bluegreen

This year marks our 50th anniversary, and there couldn’t be a better time to support Anthony Nolan and help drive forward our work as we continue Shirley Nolan’s remarkable legacy.

We’ve compiled a handy guide to 50 ways you can support us in 2024.

In 2023 the team at IGNIFI took part in a nine mile coastal walk from Sunderland to South Shields in memory of their colleague Claire.

In March 2023 the IGNIFI team said goodbye to our friend and treasured colleague of 13 years, Claire. Claire was always at the forefront of all fundraising activity at IGNIFI, and as a team we wanted to carry on the incredible legacy Claire created at IGNIFI with individual and team challenges.

John Horn, Managing Director of IGNIFI
Group of people wearing Anthony Nolan tops. There are two dogs in the pitcure too


Inspired by IGNIFI’s incredible fundraising and eager to get started on organising your own challenge? Get in touch with the team today via the form below. Alternatively, you can call us on 0303 303 3002 or email