Elaiya was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and she urgently needed a stem cell transplant. Sadly, she didn’t have a matching donor on the register so her parents started raising awareness.
Anthony Nolan worked with Elaiya's family and friends to share her story and organise donor recruitment events. Hundreds of people joined the register to give someone like Elaiya a second chance of life.
Elaiya had a cord blood transplant in September and now her family are focussed on her recovery.
If you’re from a South Asian background and aged 16-30 you can give Elaiya, and others like her, hope for a second chance of life by joining the stem cell register.
We're in a race against time. Our mission is to raise awareness among the Pakistani and South Asian community because Elaiya is more likely to find a successful match from someone of the same ethnic origin. Please join the register if you can and share our story as far and wide as possible.
Muzahir, Elaiya's Dad
You can also help give patients like Elaiya the best possible chance of life by donating money below.
Make a donation

A gift of £5 a month helps build a stem cell register that gives everyone the best chance of survival.
A gift of £10 a month helps lifesaving transplants to happen – giving as many people like Elaiya as possible a second chance of life.
A gift of £15 a month could help pay for our umbilical cord collection programme – making little lifesavers of babies only minutes old!
£15 goes a long way to helping our scientists conduct ground-breaking research that will save lives over the next 50 years.
£40 could sign up a new lifesaving stem cell donor who could go on to save a life like Elaiya's.
£90 could pay for three hours of invaluable support from a post-transplant nurse for patients and families.