A group of six young people of various different ethnicities laughing and smiling with their arms around each other

How to fundraise safely and legally

We’re so thankful to you for fundraising in aid of Anthony Nolan and your safety and wellbeing is our priority. With this in mind, please follow these simple guidelines when organising any fundraising activities. This isn’t to take the fun out your fundraising, but to make sure your fundraising goes without a hitch!

Fundraising materials and publicity

Make it clear throughout that you are fundraising ‘in aid’ of Anthony Nolan, but are not an official representative of the charity. You can get a special ‘in aid of’ logo from us if you need it – just get in touch! For example: ‘[Name of your fundraising activity] raising funds in aid of Anthony Nolan’. Please ensure that you have permission to use any images or text.


Anthony Nolan has a responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and vulnerable adults who are involved in, or affected by, our work. Our full safeguarding policy and procedures can be found on our Policies And Procedures webpage.

If you have any concerns about someone’s welfare or have any questions about safeguarding, please email safeguarding@anthonynolan.org or call 0303 303 0303 (9–5pm, Monday–Friday) to speak to a member of our Safeguarding Team. Outside our office hours, or if there is a child or adult at immediate risk, please refer immediately to the police by calling 999, or the NSPCC on 0800 800 5000. If at any point you would like to familiarise yourself with our Safeguarding Learning pack, you can find it on our Safeguarding webpage.

Collecting funds

You need a licence from your local authority to collect funds on the street, in a public place, or by going from house to house. It is illegal to collect funds in this way without a licence.

Raffles and lotteries

Small raffles can be held as part of a larger event and are a great way to maximise the amount of money you can raise. There are lots of rules about holding your own raffle or lottery. In some cases, you may need to secure a licence from your local authority. If you are thinking of doing a raffle, call the Anthony Nolan team on 0303 303 3002 so we can chat about this further. Full guidelines on raffles and lotteries are available from your local authority or via the Gambling Commission.


Please ensure that your event is organised efficiently and safely as Anthony Nolan isn’t able to accept any responsibility for your event nor for anyone who participates in it. Consider whether you might need to conduct a risk assessment to ensure that you have proper plans for the safety of people involved in or attending your event. The Health and Safety Executive has further information. Clue up your volunteers! Ensure that participants are fully briefed about the event, including (where relevant) any risks, fitness requirements, special equipment or clothing required and standards of behaviour expected. Check with your local authority whether you need any special licence; e.g. a public entertainment licence or licence to sell alcohol.


Ensure that your event is properly and adequately supervised. Where children are involved, this includes:

  • Providing proper adult supervision
  • Checking that the child’s parents/guardians have given their permission for their child to take part
  • Carrying out appropriate background checks if adults are to have unsupervised access to children
  • Consider what insurance cover you need for your event

Get in touch

Have any questions? Give the team a call on 0303 303 3002, drop us a line at community@anthonynolan.org or reach out via the form below.