Together we can save lives
Anthony Nolan is proud to have supported many families’ appeals to recruit more donors and raise lifesaving funds. Many people have shared their stories, helped raise incredible awareness and shown other patients that they’re not alone.
Whether you want to recruit new stem cell donors in support of a specific patient (we call this a ‘patient appeal’), raise lifesaving money to fund new donors, or raise awareness among your friends and networks, we’re here to help.
On this page you’ll find information, inspiration and support to help get you started. Together, we can save more lives of people with blood cancer and blood disorders - so thank you so much for getting involved.
Alternatively, call us on 0207 424 1300, we will work out the best way to help.
Current Appeals
Just so you know
Donors don't get paid for donating stem cells
It's a criminal offence under section 32 of the Human Tissue Act 2004 to offer, give or receive a reward for the supply of cells, and to publish any such offer or incentive of a reward. Anthony Nolan is regulated by the Human Tissue Authority, who are responsible for enforcing the Human Tissue Act. We are also accredited by World Marrow Donor Association, an international accreditation body for donor registries and cord blood banks, their standards are clear that donors must not be paid for their donation.