A group of men and women wearing Anthony Nolan tshirts cheering and holding branded signs

Promote your fundraising

You’re doing something amazing, so make sure you shout about it!

Social media

Tell your family, friends, colleagues and any clubs you are part of that you are fundraising for Anthony Nolan and let them know how they can make a donation. You could do this by sharing your story and your online fundraising page on your social media channels including Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to reach an even wider network.

Approaching local media

The local media are always on the hunt for tales of local people doing incredible things. And publicity around your money-making mission will encourage more people to get involved and donate some of those precious funds.

Make a list of your local newspapers and radio stations. You can visit their own websites or go to mediauk.com to find their contact details. Don’t forget to include your company newsletter, local community magazine or local club or society’s newsletter in your list. If you would like to write a press release, you can adapt our template press release to fit your story.

It would be great if you could record all the media coverage you get, and let us know all about it (send clippings, links – that sort of thing) so we can keep an accurate record for future reference. It’s great for us to hear your stories – and sometimes we might even ask if you’d like to share them with us so we can include it in communications to other supporters!

Get in touch

If you have any questions and would like some more support to help you promote your fundraising please reach out to your contact in our Fundraising Team, or you can get in touch with our Press Team by calling 020 7424 6588 or emailing press@anthonynolan.org