You could give someone like Natassa
another chance to live.
In April, 19-year-old Natassa was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukaemia. But now the teenager’s condition has worsened dramatically and she has been told it has developed into acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Natassa and her family are determined to stay positive, but she needs urgent intensive treatment and a stem cell transplant to give her another chance to live.
As she searches for a stem cell donor with a matching tissue type, Natassa’s family are calling on everyone who is eligible to sign up to the register. The more potential donors standing by to save lives, the more chances of finding a lifesaving match there are for every transplant patient like Natassa.
Natassa’s family is particularly calling on the Greek Cypriot community to come together and support them as matching tissue types are often found within similar ethnicities. Her sister Sofia says: “If you are lucky enough to come up as a match for Natassa or one of the many people waiting for that lifesaving donor, that’s when you alone will have the opportunity to give someone else a second chance of life.”
How can you help?
Between 16 and 30? Help save the life of someone like Natassa by joining the register today.
Could you help fund a lifesaver? Donate today.
Natassa is an absolute inspiration - she continues to have a positive attitude and mentality – refusing to be defined by her diagnosis. She is a beautiful creative person who still has so many things to fulfil in her life. We are on a mission to get Natassa a match so she can have her lifesaving treatment. It would mean the absolute world for my sister to find a donor. You would be giving me and my family the best gift imaginable and we are eternally grateful to everyone who signs up.
Sofia - Natassa's sister
Make a donation

A gift of £5 a month helps build a stem cell register that gives everyone the best chance of survival.
A gift of £10 a month helps lifesaving transplants to happen – giving as many people, like Natassa, as possible a second chance of life.
A gift of £15 a month could help pay for our umbilical cord collection programme – making little lifesavers of babies only minutes old!
£15 goes a long way to helping our scientists conduct ground-breaking research that will save lives over the next 50 years.
£40 could sign up a new lifesaving stem cell donor who could go on to save a life like Natassa's.
£90 could pay for three hours of invaluable support from a post-transplant nurse for patients and families.
Between 16 and 30? Help save the life of someone like Natassa by joining the register today.