Kellie's Story
We decided to donate our twins cord blood to the Anthony Nolan charity via Kings College hospital, Camberwell, London. It didn’t hurt me or my babies & would have otherwise been chucked away! The cord blood is collected & goes to someone who is fighting blood cancer - where it can literally give someone a second chance of life. Our babies became life savers at birth. I recommend any "mother’s to be" to look into doing the same. It’s a gorgeous thing to do for a stranger in need.
Kellie Shirley, who donated her twins’ cord blood in 2015.
Rachel's story
We are very proud to have donated our son’s cord to such a wonderful cause. Thirty years ago, my aunty Beverley had her bone marrow transplant through Anthony Nolan which saved her life. So, when my son Freddie was born at Saint Mary’s Hospital, we donated his cord to Anthony Nolan to hopefully save someone else’s life.
Rachel, who donated Freddie’s cord blood in 2021.
Sian's story
I had heard about cord donation through following Baby Azaylia’s journey, and I thought, if we could help to save a life, why not? An Anthony Nolan cord collector spoke to me before my son’s birth and explained everything. I didn’t see a reason why anyone wouldn’t or shouldn’t donate their baby’s cord, if they’re able to. What’s more amazing than your beautiful baby starting their life as a lifesaver? Thank you to the amazing team at St Mary’s. Reuben wears his vest with pride!
Sian, who donated Reuben's cord blood in 2021.