A team of volunteers standing behind a table set up with Anthony Nolan branded promotional material

Recruitment resources

If you’re not sure where to start when planning your recruitment event – don’t worry, because we’ve got it covered.

You might be new to this, but we’ve been doing this for years so have all the resources you could possibly need to make sure your event is a great success and you sign up as many new potential lifesavers to the register as possible!

Follow the links below to make sure you have everything to hand before you launch yourself into lifesaving:

This QR code can be scanned for people to join the register online and a swab kit will be sent to their home address. So if you aren't running an in-person event, or want to reach people who couldn't attend one, add this to posters, presentations, leaflets or share in whatever way works for you.

You’ll want to shout about the amazing thing you’re doing and promote your event as much as possible. So don’t be shy – get in touch with local media and ask them to help publicise it. We’ve drafted an example press release you can share with them here. 

Another great way of spreading the word is by putting posters up in key places that people will see them – office kitchens, gym changing rooms, wherever your target audience might be gathering. Use our branded template to add your event details and print out as many as you like.

If you're not running an in-person event, then we have another more general poster you can download too. Print them out and put them up wherever you can to keep spreading the message.

We know you’ll be full of questions about how to make the most of your recruitment event so we have a load of top tips to help answer them. With everything from background information, facts and stats, publicity plans and follow-up ideas – these top tips should give you the necessary knowledge. 

When it comes to drumming up interest we know your social media channels are going to be a brilliant way of letting everyone know what’s going on. So we’ve put together a whole host of posts you can use – some share the facts and details behind the need for donors, others celebrate the success of your event – pick and choose what you need and show them to the world. 

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