
What a gift in your will can achieve

Find out how your support can give future generations hope after a stem cell transplant.

What better gift is there to leave the next generation than a legacy of life?

Henny Braund, Chief Executive of Anthony Nolan


Though our charity has revolutionised the use of stem cell transplantation for blood cancer in the UK, there’s still a long way to go before we reach a day when no one dies waiting for a stem cell transplant. Today:

  • Only 2% of the UK population are registered as stem cell donors, giving vast scope to grow the number of potential lifesavers.
  • Though 71% of people needing a stem cell transplant from a northern European background find the best possible match from an unrelated donor, this drops to 37% for those from a minority ethnic background
  • Just half of adult patients survive the first five years after a transplant so there remains a pressing need to improve patient outcomes.

That’s where gifts in Wills come in

Gifts in Wills can provide a unique opportunity to have a lasting impact. It can be a powerful testament to the compassion you’ve shown throughout your life and ensure your values live on.

Anyone can include a gift to charity, even gifting just 1% of your estate to Anthony Nolan in your Will can have a huge impact. It can help write the future of our charity’s iconic register and power pioneering research to improve people’s long-term survival.

Your support can give future generations hope of enjoying life’s special moments long after a stem cell transplant.