
Umbilical Cord FAQs

If you're considering donating your umbilical cord, take a look at our frequently answered questions.

What’s on this page?

How cord blood saves lives

What is cord blood?


It’s the blood left in the placenta and umbilical cord after a woman has given birth.

Cord blood contains lots of stem cells, which can be used in lifesaving transplants and/or cell therapy for people with blood cancers & disorders.

Anthony Nolan collects cord blood in five hospitals in London, Manchester, Leicester. Collection only happens after the birth, when the baby is safely delivered. It’s totally risk-free for mothers and newborns.

Why is cord blood particularly useful?


Stem cells for transplants can come from adults’ blood or bone marrow, as well as from cord blood.

But cord blood transplants have lots of advantages.

Getting adult donations is a long process. If we find someone a match on our register, we have to do more tests on the potential donor, and it takes time to organise the donation and transplant.

Cord blood is banked in our cell therapy centre in Nottingham and is available immediately, for people in desperate need.

Also, donors and recipients don’t need to be an exact match, as the stem cells in cord blood aren’t so mature and can develop to suit their recipient. That means it’s easier to find matches. To find out more about cord please visit this site.

How much cord blood do you collect?


We have been working towards growing our cord blood bank to 10,000 searchable cord blood units. A bank this size means 80% of people who need transplants should be able to find a match. Now that we have reached this size we are focussing on adding high quality, diverse units to the cord blood bank to replace those that are being shipped for patients.

What diseases can cord blood treat?


Life-threatening conditions, including:

  • leukaemia
  • immune-deficiency illnesses, like aplastic anaemia and severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
  • blood cell production disorders, such as multiple myeloma and lymphoma
  • haematological malignancies, like thalassemia major
  • congenital metabolic disorders, like Hurler/Hunter syndrome and Duncan’s syndrome

Where we collect cord blood

Where can I donate cord blood?


We’re set up to collect cord blood at five hospitals in Manchester, London, and Leicester. You can only donate your cord blood if you’re booked for antenatal care at one of these hospitals.

  • King's College Hospital (London)
  • Saint Mary's Hospital, Oxford Road (Manchester)
  • Saint Mary's Hospital, Wythenshawe (Manchester)
  • Leicester Royal Infirmary
  • Leicester General Hospital

You can donate at another three London hospitals via the NHS Cord Blood Bank.

Why don’t you collect cord blood at more hospitals?


We chose the five hospitals in Manchester, London and Leicester because they have high birth rates, and are in ethnically diverse areas. At these five sites we are able to collect enough high quality cord blood to maintain a cord blood bank size that can meet the needs of patients now and in the future.

Eligibility to donate

Am I eligible to donate my baby's cord blood?


Most mothers can donate their baby's cord blood. But there are some medical conditions and lifestyle factors which mean you can’t.

Can I donate if I have a caesarean section?


Yes. We can normally collect your cord blood whether you have an elective or emergency caesarean.

I am expecting twins. Can I donate?


Yes, you can.

Can I donate if I choose to have delayed cord clamping as part of my birth plan?


Yes, you can still donate. Anthony Nolan supports NICE guidance not to have the cord clamped earlier than one minute after birth if all is well with the baby. Our collectors will work around your birth plan and provide further evidence-based information as needed to help you make an informed decision. Donating does not affect your birth plan in any way.

Donating and my birth plan

How is my cord blood collected?


Take a look at the How can I donate my umbilical cord? page.

Will donating cord blood harm me or my baby?


Absolutely not. Donating cord blood is risk-free.

After you’ve safely delivered your baby and placenta, we’ll come in and take your cord and placenta to a separate room to extract the blood.

Can you guarantee that you will collect and bank my cord blood?


We have a finite number of people who can collect cord blood. In the unlikely situation that there are multiple births (from mums who have opted to donate) at the same time, we sometimes can’t collect from all of them. Any cord blood has to be collected immediately to be effective.

If this happens, your umbilical cord and placenta will be disposed of using standard NHS maternity procedures.

Other reasons we might not collect and bank your cord blood:

  • there isn’t enough blood in your placenta and cord to collect
  • your temperature has risen and you have an infection
  • there’s a mechanical failure with the equipment used
  • other medical issues

If you do collect my cord blood, will you definitely bank it?


We can’t guarantee that we’ll bank your baby’s cord blood. We may not bank it if it does not contain enough stem cells to be considered suitable for transplantation. We will test your baby's cord to check the number of stem cells before banking it.

What happens next?

What happens to my baby’s cord blood after you've collected it?


We’ll visit before you leave hospital to take a small blood sample from you (not your baby).

We’ll also take you through the full consent form if you didn’t sign it before the birth, and ask some routine medical history questions.

Within 30 hours, a courier will take your baby’s cord blood to our cord blood bank, the Anthony Nolan Cell Therapy Centre in Nottingham. We’ll test it to see if it has enough stem cells to use for a transplant and, if it does, we’ll freeze and store it until someone needs it.

If it doesn’t, we’ll either dispose of it using standard medical procedures or use it in vital research.

What research will you carry out with my baby’s cord blood?


Cord blood contains haematopoietic stem cells which can differentiate into white and red blood cells. Cord tissue (the actual umbilical cord) contains mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells differentiate into many different cell types such as osteoblasts (bone cells) and myocytes (muscle cells).

We use cord blood and tissue to isolate different cells. Research into each cell type will further our understanding into many different research areas. For example, we’re using cord blood to isolate haematopoietic stem cells, which can be analysed in different environments to further our understanding of cell therapies.

In the near future, we’ll be isolating mesenchymal stem cells from cord tissue. Mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into many other cells, depending on their environment. So, from one lot of mesenchymal stem cells, we can produce many different cell types – this means research into many different areas, not only blood cancers and blood disorders!

What tests will you do on the blood samples you take from me in hospital?


We’ll test for any diseases or infections, so we can make sure your baby’s cord blood is safe to use for a transplant. This includes tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and HTLV. We may test for malaria, depending on your travel history. We’ll also do a DNA analysis to obtain your tissue type (HLA). This is how we’ll match your cord blood to someone in need of a lifesaving transplant.

If you test positive for anything, we’ll pass the information to your doctor who will advise you on any treatment.

What tests do you do on my baby’s cord blood?


As well as the above tests, we'll do virology and bacteriology tests. These tests will look for any dangerous viruses or bacteria, to make sure it’s safe for a transplant. We also check for genetic conditions (duplicating the neonatal screening tests) and do haematology tests to see how many stem cells there are in your baby’s cord blood.

Storing and using your baby's cord blood

How long will you store my baby’s cord blood for?


We’ll store it until someone needs it for a transplant (or for research, if there aren’t enough stem cells to use for a transplant). We can store cord blood indefinitely, frozen in cryogenic tanks at temperatures of around -190°C.

When would you use cord blood for research?


During the consent process, the donor can choose to consent for their cord blood to be used to treat patients and/or for biomedical research projects. If they don’t give consent, the cord blood will be discarded.  

Donations are only used by organisations Anthony Nolan has an agreement with after a full review of their proposal has concluded that it is necessary and ethical. As well as working with external researchers and clinicians, cord blood donations may also be used by teams at the Anthony Nolan Research Institute for their research to improve the transplant journey. 

Would my baby’s cord blood be available for my own family if we need it in the future?


We don’t store cord blood for private use. In the unlikely event that someone in your family needs a cord blood donation in the future, their doctors would search public registers.

Will my baby’s cord blood be available outside the UK?


Yes. Your donation could provide a stem cell transplant for someone in need anywhere in the world.

Public vs. Private cord banking

What’s the difference between private and public cord blood banking?


We run our cord blood bank as a public bank to help anyone around the world who needs a stem cell transplant. It doesn’t cost anything to donate cord blood to our programme.

Commercial cord blood banks charge to collect and store babies’ cord blood for private family use.

Does it cost me any money to donate?


No, there is no cost to you to donate your baby’s cord blood to our public bank.

Do I get paid?


No, we don’t pay mothers to donate their baby’s cord blood.

Does Anthony Nolan make money from stem cell donations?


Anthony Nolan receives payment for the service it delivers providing donated cells to academic researchers and companies developing new treatments to help patients. Anthony Nolan is a non-profit organisation. This vital income is reinvested into delivering on Anthony Nolan’s charitable aims – saving and improving even more lives; supporting the patient of today through patient information and services; and supporting the patient of the future through delivering and supporting ground-breaking research. Anthony Nolan does not charge its own researchers for this service.