Louis Martin sat outside on a bench and smiling at the camera

Join the Patients & Families Network

Our Patients and Families Network helps us shape Anthony Nolan's work, to support anyone affected by stem cell transplant or CAR T-cell therapy.


At Anthony Nolan, everything we do is for patients. We work towards a future where every patient who needs us can survive and thrive.

To achieve this, it’s really important that patients and their families are involved in our work. Involving patients, listening to, and learning from their experiences helps us to better understand and support the needs of patients, now and in the future. That’s where our Patients and Families Network comes in.  

Our Patients and Families Network members are emailed regularly about opportunities to be involved in shaping our work. For example: 

  • helping us to develop our patient information e.g. being involved in initial discussions on content and format, reviewing early copy drafts and giving feedback on design 
  • being involved in research about your experiences 
  • testing new services we are developing and giving feedback 
  • opportunities to support other relevant organisations 
  • receiving updates about our work. 

As a member of our Patients & Families Network, you will be free to be involved as much or as little as you like.

If you would like to join the network, please send us an email by clicking the button below.

I have found being a member of the network hugely rewarding. The Anthony Nolan staff are incredibly supportive and always make being involved so easy but also make you feel valued.

Peter, Patients & Families Network member

How do I join the network?

If you live in the UK and you or a loved one have had (or due to have) a stem cell transplant, bone marrow transplant or CAR T-cell therapy, we would love to hear from you.

Please email involve@anthonynolan.org if you have any questions or would like to join the network. 

There is such a wide range of ways to be involved that I am sure every patient would enjoy the opportunity.

Peter, Patients & Families Network member

Information published: 18/04/24

Next review due: 18/04/27