A young woman standing against a green coloured wall wearing an Anthony Nolan tshirt.

Aged 16-18? Get involved

Have you heard one of our Hero Project talks? Or are you just curious to find out how you can help with our lifesaving mission? You’ve come to the right place.
Victoria Rathmill_donating2013_1

Register as a potential donor

Did you know, young people like you make great donors because your stem cells can deliver great results!

If you’re aged 16–30 and in good health, you could be a hero and save the life of someone with blood cancer or a blood disorder by joining the Anthony Nolan stem cell register.

The facts

For someone with blood cancer or a blood disorder, an amazing stranger donating their stem cells could be their best chance of survival.

But first they need a match. And that match could be you. 

  • You can join online! You'll get a pack in the post for you to do a cheek swab and send back. We'll test your sample and add your information to the stem cell register.
  • You'll stay on the register until you reach the grand old age of 61. If you ever come up as a match for someone with blood cancer or a blood disorder, we'll be in touch.
  • We'll organise the whole thing. We support you at every stage of your donation and arrange everything, from travel to accommodation. We've got it all covered.
Close up of a young black male smiling

Save lives at uni

Headed to uni? Our student society, Marrow, would love to have you on board.

Marrow is our fantastic network of student groups in the UK who work in their universities and beyond to do one thing – save the lives of people with blood cancer and blood disorders.

Marrow has three important aims:

  • To raise awareness of Anthony Nolan, blood cancer and blood disorders within universities around the UK.
  • To give every student the opportunity to join our stem cell register.
  • To raise funds to help support Anthony Nolan’s vital work. 

You can find out more about their exciting campaigns, and check if there’s a group at the universities you’re looking at.

How you can donate

90% of people donate via their bloodstream in a straightforward process, called peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) collection

'It's amazing to know that I’ve been part of something that has had such a big impact on someone’s life. And it’s so easy!'

10% have their stem cells collected via their bone marrow while under general anaesthetic.

Bone marrow donating done! I can honestly say it has been an amazing and surprisingly pain-free experience (I am a wimp!). Knowing I've given someone a second chance at life is such a fantastic feeling.'


Jamie Sky Dive

Raise lifesaving funds

It costs £40 to add every new potential donor to the stem cell register. By fundraising for Anthony Nolan, you can do something that will save the lives of people with blood cancer or a blood disorder right now. That’s incredible, right?

Here are some ways that you can raise funds to support Anthony Nolan:

  • Quiz – hold a quiz at your school or college. Ask for a donation to take part and offer a prize (or just bragging rights) to the winner.
  • Bake sale – run a bake sale during your lunch break. Let everyone know they can come along and buy a tasty treat while raising awareness and funds for Anthony Nolan.
  • Gaming tournament – take on your own gaming marathon and share your stream with others while asking for a small donation. Or, set up a gaming tournament online and ask people to donate to take part. Got a gaming expert in your family or friends? Get them involved!
  • Fitness challenge – take on an individual challenge or set your school or college a target and get sponsored. Can you do 100 burpees a day for 30 days? Can you manage 10,000 steps every day? Whatever you do, make it a challenge and you can even ask friends and family to sponsor you online.
  • Facebook birthday fundraiser – set up a birthday fundraiser on Facebook and ask family and friends to make a donation in support of Anthony Nolan.

Got questions? We'd love to hear from you. Just get in touch at community@anthonynolan.org

Other ways you can help

Anthony Nolan is the charity that makes lifesaving connections between people with blood cancer and blood disorders and incredible strangers willing to donate their stem cells. But you can go one step further and become a blood and organ donor too!

Become a blood donor

Register as an organ donor