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NEXT PLC announces partnership with stem cell transplant charity Anthony Nolan

July 12, 2023
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NEXT PLC, the UK retailer, has announced a two-year partnership with stem cell transplant charity Anthony Nolan. The charity will work with Unity at NEXT, the employee network group for cultural and ethnic diversity, to raise awareness of and diversify the Anthony Nolan stem cell donor register to support its strategic aim of improving equity.

Founded in 1974, Anthony Nolan created the world’s first stem cell register, which it uses to match potential stem cell donors to blood cancer and blood disorder patients in need of stem cell transplants.

Unity at Next will be supporting Anthony Nolan via employee challenges and fundraising events. It will also be working with Anthony Nolan on its aim to sign up more individuals from minority ethnic backgrounds to the stem cell register by holding donor recruitment events at their office in Leicester. It’s particularly important that people from minority ethnic backgrounds join the stem cell register. Having a wide range of ethnicities on the charity’s stem cell register is vital to ensure everyone has the best chance of surviving blood cancer and blood disorders.

An initial £10,000 has been donated to Anthony Nolan by NEXT, with plans for fundraising events throughout the year. The funds raised as a result of the partnership will be used to further Anthony Nolan’s lifesaving work of recruiting young people to join the stem cell register and to fund research into stem cell treatments.  

We are incredibly excited to join in partnership with Anthony Nolan. Their work in boosting stem cell donor sign-ups, especially among minority ethnic communities, is truly inspiring. It's disheartening to see that fewer patients from ethnic minorities who need a stem cell transplant have a stem cell donor already on the register — this health inequality is really concerning. Working together with Anthony Nolan we have a chance to make a real difference and save more lives. This collaboration fills us with anticipation and hope for a brighter future.

James Nyamuda, Chair of Unity at NEXT

We’re dedicated to ensuring that all patients have the best access to, experience of and outcome from treatment, no matter their background. NEXT’s Unity group’s focus on equality and diversity makes them an ideal partner for us, and I’m so pleased they’ve selected us for this new partnership. The funds raised as a result of this partnership will allow us to continue our work ensuring the best outcomes for patients from all backgrounds through transplant and research. I’m eager to see the impact this will have on our work and to working with Unity in the coming months.

Henny Braund MBE, Chief Executive of Anthony Nolan

Read about the partnership at To find out more about Anthony Nolan and the stem cell register, visit