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Anthony Nolan responds to review into commercial clinical trials in the UK

May 26, 2023
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Lord James O'Shaughnessy’s independent review into commercial clinical trials in the UK was published on Thursday 25 May.

The IMPACT clinical trials network, joint funded by Anthony Nolan, Cure Leukaemia and NHS Blood and Transplant, was named as a positive case study of innovation in the review which can be read in full here.

In response, Henny Braund MBE, Chief Executive of Anthony Nolan, says: ‘IMPACT has enabled many more stem cell transplant patients to access innovative therapies earlier and is a great example of collaboration across industry, charities and academia.

‘We’re pleased that Lord O’Shaughnessy’s report recognises the innovative IMPACT trials network, which we jointly funded, and its successor ACT as a novel and sustainable model for trial delivery.

‘We would now like to see the government actively nurture and expand these kinds of partnerships to ensure that the UK is the destination of choice for lifesaving research.’