The remarkable story of Eric Evans
Eric has survived a terrorist’s bomb, a civil war, blood cancer – and two bone marrow transplants from the same young donor. He stood next to the terrorist who bombed Orly Airport, survived interrogations in war-torn Liberia and bought his way out of that brutal civil war with a bag of rice.
Now Eric is sharing his story with the world and urging potential bone marrow donors to join his ‘Donors are Diamonds’ campaign.
After six extraordinary decades, Eric lay in hospital with his life hanging in the balance when he decided that he must complete his book.
But how would he be able to explain his incredible story and life-changing medical experiences? The only way was a unique format where Eric’s two stories run side by side. As he undergoes his treatment he links, chapter by chapter, to his dramatic real-life adventures.
Buy your copy of Diamonds for Rice here.
A story that needed to be told
The result is ‘Diamonds for Rice’. It is an astonishing true story covering the North Sea oil boom; the carnage in Africa; a worldwide search for a donor; two bone marrow transplants and a friendship, born out of the ultimate act of selflessness.
Published by Troubador, the memoir has taken Eric over a decade to write – and he will donate 30% of the proceeds to blood cancer charities Anthony Nolan and Delete Blood Cancer UK, and to Full Circle Fund Therapies.
“Donors like Axel are diamonds – precious and hard to find. Our campaign, I am sure, will uncover more of these gems. We must raise vital funds for Anthony Nolan and Delete Blood Cancer UK, so that they can find more ‘diamonds’ like Axel.
“I could have died without my daughters knowing anything about my life. I dedicate my book to them and my friend, double donor Axel - without him the story would have ended a long time ago!”
Eric left college at seventeen, profited from the North Sea Oil industry and became a millionaire at the age of twenty-eight.
Life was good for the young businessman who owned a mansion, a fleet of luxury cars, two aircraft and a top nightclub. He took over a logging company in Liberia – but the country erupted into civil war. Diamonds, provided by little children, gave him a means of escape. He paid for those diamonds with bags of rice.
“That spectacular country was riddled with corruption and soaked in blood. The carnage was unbelievable,” said Eric.

Donors are diamonds
More traumas followed. Eric was diagnosed with a blood cancer called myelofibrosis, which meant a long search for a bone marrow donor through Anthony Nolan.
Fortunately, a donor was found on the German DKMS register – unknown to Eric at the time, his anonymous lifesaver was a young man called Axel Drewes. The transplant was carried out at St George’s Hospital in London in 2004.
“Thanks to Axel, I felt reborn. Finally life was on the ‘up’ again – until the world economy imploded in 2008, and my bone marrow disease returned. Once again my hero Axel came to the rescue.”
Eric lost his fortune as well as his health.
“In January 2013, my finances took a downturn. Since then my life has revolved around my family, health and an appreciation of nature.”
Eric’s genetic twin came to the rescue again, to provide more bone marrow for Eric. The transplant was again carried out at St George’s Hospital in 2014.
A lifesaving book launch
Axel was yesterday reunited with Eric at the launch of Diamonds for Rice in Waterstones Piccadilly.
Axel said: “It is such a great feeling to help Eric twice. I realised – as a donor - the importance of bone marrow transplants. People who buy this book will actually help to save lives.”
Richard Davidson, Director of Communications and Marketing at Anthony Nolan, said: “Eric’s remarkable story is just one example of what can happen when a selfless stranger like Axel takes the life-changing step to join a stem cell register.”
Peter Mas-Mollinedo, chief executive of Delete Blood Cancer UK, said: “Eric’s story is testament to the importance of registering as a potential stem cell donor. It took Axel a few minutes to register – but provided Eric with a future.”
Diamonds for Rice is available on the Delete Blood Cancer UK website here.