Bobby Norris has been a supporter of Anthony Nolan ever since his mum was told she needed a stem cell transplant - and now he's supporting our #IGiveASpit campaign, launched today. You can join in too and get your own t-shirt at
This August marks a year since my mum was told her only hope of survival was a stem cell transplant. I felt helpless and terrified, but then something amazing happened; TOWIE fans showed they cared.
‘They signed up to the Anthony Nolan register in their thousands and proved they are the most caring fans in the world.

Bobby customising his t-shirt
Any one of them would have been willing to save my mum or another person like her – basically, they ‘gave a spit’. It was amazing to see something so positive come from something so terrible.
‘In February, mum finally found a match and the transplant went ahead. It’s a long road to recovery but day by day, she’s getting stronger. I can’t wait to take her on the holiday of a lifetime when she’s well enough.

Bobby spraypainting the 'angel wings' that represent his mum's donor
‘Somewhere out there, there’s a person who gave my mum a second chance of life. I hope one day I’ll be able to meet that person, but I don’t know what I’d say – thank you isn’t enough.
I always describe mum’s donor as an angel walking this earth. That’s why I’ve spray-painted angel wings onto my #IGiveASpit t-shirt, and why I’ll support Anthony Nolan for the rest of my life.

Bobby having his photo taken by Jez Tozer
It’s been an emotional rollercoaster of a year, and this is my way of celebrating all the positives that have come out of it and saying thank you to our guardian angel.
Find out more about the campaign and join in at