Anthony Nolan makes the Top Best 100 Companies List

March 4, 2014
For the latest data and information, visit our Facts & Stats page

We're delighted to have made the top 100 in the Sunday Times Best Companies survey for the very first time.

We are currently celebrating our 40th anniversary, and have been ranked at number 89 in the Sunday Times Best Not-For-Profit Organisations to Work for 2014.

Around 897 organisations entered and a quarter of a million employees were surveyed in total. The full list will be published in a Sunday Times supplement on March 16.

Henny Braund, Chief Executive of Anthony Nolan, commented: ‘This is a fantastic result and puts us in a great position to build for the future.

‘I’m very proud that our staff feel Anthony Nolan is one of the UK’s best places to work. What better way to celebrate our 40th anniversary year than with such a vote of confidence?

‘It is really important to me that we listen to what staff tell us about their experience, and do our best to create an environment in which we can all thrive.

‘Our business is about working with thousands of incredible individuals to save lives – and without our dedicated staff, that goal would be much harder to achieve.

‘However, we cannot afford to be complacent. There are some valuable learnings from the survey and I’m looking forward to working with the team to make our charity an even better place to work.’


Note: as of 2016, Anthony Nolan has now climbed to 57th place in the Sunday Times rankings! Read the entire story here.