MP teams up with cancer survivor to encourage student lifesavers

March 25, 2014
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Sarah Champion, Labour MP for Rotherham, attended a presentation at Thomas Rotherham College on Friday 21st March where students were encouraged to sign up as lifesavers.

The event was part of our national Register & Be a Lifesaver (R&Be) programme, which educates 16-18 year olds about blood, organ, and bone marrow donation.

Jo Buckton, Regional Register Development Manager at Anthony Nolan, visited the school too. Yorkshire mum Jo experienced the importance of donation first-hand when she was diagnosed with leukaemia in 2007. She had many blood transfusions which helped her survive although fortunately she didn’t need a bone marrow transplant.

Jo, 39, says, “When young people realise the lifesaving importance of blood, organ, and bone marrow donation, they are really enthusiastic about helping out. We know that young people make the best bone marrow donors so it’s fantastic so see students so engaged with the cause.

We hope that with Sarah Champion’s support, more local schools will sign up to our education programme and help us educate their students about becoming lifesavers.”

Sarah Champion MP said: “It was great to meet Jo from Anthony Nolan today and hear first-hand about the lifesaving difference that blood, organ, and bone marrow donation can make.

It’s brilliant to see local students so engaged in how they are able to help other people and hopefully we will see more schools in the area involved in this amazing education campaign.

There are currently thousands of adults and children out there waiting for bone marrow transplants, and I would urge everyone to do something amazing today and sign up to become a donor. You could be saving someone’s life.”

We've now visited the school for five years and 175 students have joined the bone marrow donor register as a result of these talks.

Last week, we visited the school every day and were able to speak to over 200 students in total. We hope that more local schools will support the education initiative about donation.

How you can help

Our Register & Be a Lifesaver programme helps to teach 16–18-year-olds about the importance of donating bone marrow, blood and organs.

We're always looking for speakers to help us spread the word - find out more and apply here.

Interested in organising an event at your school? Find out how here.