Anthony Nolan Research labs

Laboratory Services

Anthony Nolan has one of the world’s most advanced HLA Typing laboratories, and offers a range of options to external partners including Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) typing, DNA extraction and virology testing.

Laboratory Services

All of our services are offered alongside our expert counsel. We can provide data interpretation, population analysis and clinical reporting, as well as bespoke packages to match your requirements.

Dr. Neema Mayor, Head of Immunogenetics Research at Anthony Nolan

HLA Typing

We provide a gold-standard Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Typing service in line with European standards. HLA typing is used to match patients and donors for transplantation. It is also helpful for researchers working in areas of preclinical research, such as immunotherapy.

DNA Extraction

DNA extraction is an important laboratory technique used to purify DNA by separating it from cell membranes, proteins, and other cellular components.

DNA machine

Virology Testing

Virology testing is a specialised field of microbiology and we provide a comprehensive screening service that can be tailored to your needs, and deliver fast results.