What we offer
Information in the form of:
- CBU Reports, including the relevant operational details of specific Cord Blood Banks (CBB)
- Cord-focussed conferences and workshops
- Email updates and alerts, flagging new papers
- CBU provision statistics and data
Advice via:
- A dedicated CBU Shortlisting service
- A CBU Report Quality Checklist service
- An ad-hoc advisory service on CBU Selection and Provision
- Access to our 24/7 urgent CBU quality inquiries phone line
- Advice on CBU data via the Post-Thaw Clinic
Our training sessions can be delivered on-site at your centre and will be tailored to best suit both your transplant centre and team’s needs. Topics can include:
- CBU selection and quality evaluation, covering the basics of CBU banking; how CBUs are shortlisted based on current evidence and UK national recommendations; and understanding CBU reports/assessing what makes a good CBU.
- CBU shipment, logistics and test requirements, looking at which test results you can expect; when and how different CBB bank practices come into play; and common issues with shipment.
- Handling and troubleshooting, providing hands-on training to troubleshoot common CBU thawing problems and infusion issues.
Contact us
If you have any questions, or if you would like to book or customise any of our services, please contact cordsupport@anthonynolan.org.
Experts in the field
Your enquiries to the Cord Support Programme will be addressed by the following experts:
- HLA expertise
Dr Colin Brown – Consultant Clinical Scientist (NHSBT, Colindale)
Dr Sharon Vivers – H&I Clinical Consultant Lead/Principal Clinical Scientist (Anthony Nolan, London)
- Cord Blood Bank expertise
Dr Roger Horton – Head of Clinical Innovation & Partnerships (Anthony Nolan, Nottingham)
Dr Alexandra Ross – Head of Cord Bank (NHSBT, Bristol)
Mr Christopher Leonforte – Head of CGT Manufacturing (Anthony Nolan, Nottingham)
Ms. Kennedy Davies – BMS Issue Manager (NHSBT, Bristol)
Dr Claire Simpson – Clinical Delivery Manager (Anthony Nolan, Nottingham)
Mr Benjamin Cash - Head of Cord Bank Processing and Operations (NHSBT, Bristol)
- Operational expertise
Dr Irina Evseeva – Head of Specialist Services (Anthony Nolan, London)
Miss Phoebe Groves – Service Development Supervisor (Anthony Nolan, London)
Miss Sophie Macleod – Service Development Senior Coordinator (Anthony Nolan, London)
Scientific Posters
To view any of these posters, please right click the poster of interest to 'open image in a new tab'. This will show the poster full-screen.