Small group of patients and staff having a meeting in the Anthony Nolan boardroom

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We have a wide range of free information on stem cell transplant and CAR T-cell therapy, suitable for patients, their families, partners and friends.

Anthony Nolan has achieved the PiF TICK, a quality mark operated by the Patient Information Forum, which certifies us as a provider of reliable and trustworthy health and social care information. All our booklets and web resources are co-produced with healthcare professionals, patients with personal experience of stem cell transplant or CAR T-cell therapy, and their relatives.

  • You can read, download and print our booklets using the links below - just install Adobe Acrobat to do this.
  • Further patient information is available on this website and via our helpline: 0303 303 0303.
  • We welcome orders from healthcare professionals, and we can send up to 50 copies per booklet.

The Seven Steps

A guide from Blood Cancer UK about receiving a stem cell transplant.