Close up of a young woman's face smiling. She has red hair and freckles, and is standing outside

Saving lives
stem cells

You could be the answer someone’s looking for 

Someone with blood cancer or a blood disorder.
Someone in urgent need of a stem cell transplant. 

Your stem cells – and yours alone – could be the ones that save their life.

How? It starts with a swab.

How your gift today can help save lives

  • £20 goes a long way in helping us provide vital advice and information booklets for transplant patients and their families
  • £40 is what it costs us to process and add the details of every potential lifesaver who joins the stem cell register
  • £100 can help fund the groundbreaking research our scientists are doing right now to discover new treatments
Young male stem cell donor in hospital bed
Coronation Street Lauren  Max and Frankie

As millions watch Corrie drama unfold, we're here to help sort fact from fiction

Viewers of the UK’s beloved soap opera Coronation Street will have seen the dramatic storyline unfolding that involves little baby Frankie. Having been diagnosed with a life-threatening blood disorder, he desperately needs a stem cell transplant to survive. This television drama is the genuine reality faced by many of our patients, so we’ve shared some advice and ways you can support those affected.

50th Anniversary

Anthony Nolan is celebrating 50 years since a mother’s love for her son inspired the world’s first stem cell register. From one little boy to four lives a day, and thousands more in the future.

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Anthony and his mother, Shirley Nolan

One mother's amazing legacy

The world’s first stem cell register, and with it our charity, was set up by Shirley Nolan in her determination to save her son’s life by finding him a donor. 

Sadly at that time it wasn’t possible. But today – 50 years later - it is. And that’s because of Shirley and Anthony Nolan. Because of our world-leading register. Because of our expertise in stem cell transplants, and our advances in cell and gene therapy research. And because of you and people like you.  

Thanks to you, every day we give four people another chance to live. And with your continued support, we’ll do the same tomorrow, and the next day, and until every patient that needs us can not only survive, but thrive.

Unlocking the answers inside us  

  • Recruiting donors  
  • Advancing cell therapies 
  • Making lifesaving matches 

Did you know?

Every year, over 2,300 patients start their search for a matching stem cell donor. We believe that every one of them should be able to find their perfect match. Your support can help that become reality.